New Year Yoga
14 January 2022
Beginning the New Year with a deep breath, a stretch and setting some intentions is exactly how the FBE Forum for Tomorrow (fft) Western committee is helping its network of young professionals get set for 2022. Integral are delighted to sponsor the first event of the year, yoga practice led by our very own Yogi, Dawn.
Last year Maria Schaerer, Senior Engineer at Integral, joined the Forum for Tomorrow (fft) Western committee as part of the Forum for the Built Environment (fbe) networking organisation. Their aim is to provide events for young professionals across the property and construction industry to meet and build relationships. Maria has organised this yoga session for the fft and shares her own yoga journey with us here:
“My introduction to yoga was a few years ago when Integral’s Business Development Manager Dawn started a class in our office. I had always thought I was too inflexible and that there would be a lot of humming! And I was pretty inflexible to start, although the odd pose would work naturally much to my surprise and joy. Dawn, who has been practising yoga for much of her life and teaching it for years, is wonderful at giving varying levels of difficulty and not making anyone feel silly if they can’t touch their toes. There is also no necessity to hum (unless you like to).
Integral has recently included a yoga session a week, taught by Dawn, as a company benefit. As someone who often struggles with clearing my mind, I have found this weekly oasis of calm wonderful for both mental and physical wellbeing. As a runner and cyclist, the stretches loosen my tight muscles and I am proud to say I can now touch my toes* (*by the end of a session).
We are delighted that Dawn has agreed to lead us in yoga next week as our first event of the year. Integral have been happy to sponsor this event which promotes wellbeing in the industry.”
Follow the link below to join the fft and Women in Property in person or online 18th January 2022 at 7:30 am.